[Major Announcement] BioPassport’s Q2 2023 Roadmap Achievement Status
Hello, This is the BioPassport Team.
Here is the status of achieving the 2Q Roadmap in 2023.
※Please refer to the notice below for the status of achieving the Roadmap in the 1Q.
[Major Announcement] BioPassport Achieves Roadmap in Q1 2023 and Guidance on Business Progress
-> Xangle Announcement : https://xangle.io/project/BIOT/insight/disclosure/649e704e4a26bf7197f76733
After achieving the Roadmap in the first quarter of 2023, partnerships and business continued in the second quarter.
Mainly, we put a lot of effort into network expansion and alliances in the healthcare field, and we tried to improve the service process by introducing a re-examination confirmation process. In addition, in order to diversify the services of the non-face-to-face treatment platform, we published a business reorganization plan to improve business models and sales, and a revised white paper reflecting the contents.
The details of the implementation of the BioPassport Roadmap in Q2 2023 are as follows.
<2023. 2Q Roadmap Achievement Status>
I. Published a revised version of the white paper (2023.06.30)
Notice: BioPassport White Paper Publication Guide
II. Partnership Status
1. Media Zen (2023.4.19)
: Signed an agreement with Media Zen, a KOSDAQ-listed company that has no.1 voice recognition solution technology in Korea, to develop healthcare solution services using AI
Notice: https://link.medium.com/gjye1SX1VAb
2. Kokia Hospital (2023.5.20)
: Signed an agreement with Kokia Hospital, the largest pediatric hospital in Paju, on non-face-to-face healthcare services for children
Notice: https://link.medium.com/6Gu9gbTn1Ab
3. Korea University Guro Hospital (2023.05.31)
: Joint R&D Agreement for Development of Distributed Clinical Trial Solutions
Xangle Announcement: https://xangle.io/project/BIOT/insight/disclosure/624fcf22b30da6e8378ec3ad
III. Network expansion and partnership in healthcare
1. Participate in 2023 Health Show (2023.6.13 to 2023.06.15)
: Hosted by the Dong-A Ilbo and sponsored by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, the 2023 Seoul Health Show is an urban health fair where you can meet healthcare companies’ health contents and new technologies in one place.
The foundation, along with Korea University Medical Center, promoted ‘Bio Passport’, a non-contact healthcare service using blockchain and DPHR data management technology.
Notice: https://link.medium.com/r9lJuIl0DAb
2. Participation in joint R&D at Korea University Guro Hospital (2023.05.24)
Until now, “distributed clinical trials” have been introduced in the United States and Europe, and efforts have been made to introduce university hospitals in Korea, which can increase the convenience of participants in drug and medical device clinical trials by combining non-face-to-face solutions with costly and time-consuming clinical trials.
It has started to develop solutions for non-face-to-face clinical trials with Korea University Guro Hospital, and will develop a “automatic system for distributed clinical trials” by the end of this year. In the field of clinical trials, one of the large-scale fields in the bio sector, we can expect to expand our business area with Korea University Hospital, which is at the forefront of the digital bio sector in Korea.
Notice: https://link.medium.com/TNTIW6yl1Ab
3. Patent registration decision (2023.4.25)
A patent registration decision has been made for “Composition for simultaneous detection of COVID-19 virus and SARS virus and diagnostic kit containing the same” filed in 2022. You can check the registration announcement in the patent information service after the registration announcement.
This technology is not limited to the technology for COVID-19, but aims to comprehensively diagnose viral diseases such as SARS and influenza. Based on this, it has become a basis for expanding the type of diagnosis when a new virus becomes prevalent.
IV. Regarding service process improvement (3rd beta service 2023.04.28–2023.05.05)
1. Improve the on-site work process format and customer response process in addition to software improvements
Improvements to minimize inconvenience to hospitals, pharmacies, and patients by centralizing patient inquiries or responses to payments and drug delivery into the Service Customer Response Team.
Notice: https://link.medium.com/Rrs3wmhzkzb
2. Introduction of the re-examination process
The non-face-to-face treatment service, which will be converted into a pilot project from June, will be changed to only allow repeat examinations in the treatment departments except for pediatrics, and a return confirmation process will be introduced before the grace period until September.
We also plan to prepare a procedure for confirming re-examination by comparing it with the medical history on the hospital DB.
-> Xangle Announcement : BioPassport (BIOT) | IR ReportIR Report (Q2 2023) (Quarterly, Business Report) (xangle.io)
We will try to deliver good news to investors in the second half of 2023, following the first half of 2023.
Please continue to support us!
Thank you.
Bio Passport Team